Brewery Lane, Hook Norton,
Many food and drink producers lay claim to having a ‘handcrafted’ product these days. At Hook Norton Brewery, we lay claim to it too and rightfully so.
Firstly all our raw materials are checked by hand, and deliveries are evaluated before being taken into the brewery to ensure that the ingredients we have selected are as good as they should be when they enter the brewery.
Naturally, the brewery is mechanised where it needs to be but in many parts, brewing is still very much a hand-driven process at Hooky.
Our yeast is definitely in need of the personal touch and so when it is added it is gently stirred and nurtured by hand. As the beer then takes its journey through the brewery it is also skimmed by hand. Finally, every cask that we use is inspected by hand before it is filled.
Of course, there’s one last part of the process which always has to be done by hand – sampling and tasting the wonderful end product!