Shire Horse Success at National Show
Shire Horse Success at National Show
Hook Norton Brewery, now one of only three breweries in the UK with working, delivering Shire Horses proved triumphant this weekend at the National Shire Show.
The UK’S largest gathering of Shire Horses met last fortnight, (11&12th March) at Newark Showground for their annual breed show, with this year marking the second time in the Breweries 176 year history of putting a horse forward for judging.
The Breweries 4 year old gelding, Brigadier competed in the Newcomer class with Groom Alyster Mills, securing 1st place and being presented with the Barbara Meddings Memorial Perpetual Trophy. A particular poignant win for the Brewery having won it last year, going on to retain their title.
This year marks the first year of competing in the single trade class, with Lady Grey our working Shire parading in our show dray. The national show was Lady Greys first ever show in the dray and took a very respectable 5th place.
Shire Horses remain at critical risk of extinction, with their numbers rapidly declining due to no longer having a use in agricultural work, despite this they do make fantastic riding horses and their popularity is slowly growing year by year. The Shire Horse Society aims to spread awareness and promote the breed, striving to ensure their survival for future years to come.
Hook Norton Brewery has recently achieved the accolade of ‘Shire Horse Society Approved Centre’ status, meeting a rigorous set criteria ensuring their stables confirm to the highest of standards and the knowledgeable team on site are working in unison with the society to support and raise awareness of these magnificent animals.
Nicholas Carter, Head Coachman commented ‘It’s been a fantastic start to the show season for us, putting Hooky well and truly on the map. Both horses behaved impeccably and it was fantastic to be representing the brewery once more. I’m exceptionally proud of the 1st place secured by Alyster who until joining us a year ago, had never shown Shire horses. We’re all looking forward to a busy social diary for the shires throughout the year and will continue to raise the profile of these fantastic animals.’
To keep up with the Breweries Shire horses, head to their Facebook ‘Hook Norton Brewery Shire Horses.’