The Rose & Crown Pub, Oxford has teamed up with local Oxfordshire brewery Hook Norton to brew a unique ale. Debbie & Andrew Hall, and their son Adam brewed the beer to celebrate 40 years of being licensees of the historic and traditional university watering hole on North Parade. 

40 Years Bitter is an English session ale slightly ruby in colour brewed using Fuggles, Challenger and, with a nod to the anniversary, UK Chinook hops, that came out the same year as Andrew and Debbie took on the pub.   

On 21st February 1983, Andrew and Debbie opened their doors at 10.30am, it was past midday and a long, nervous wait, until their first customer walked in the door, professor Peter Rivière. (half pint of Ind Coope bitter and taramasalata with pitta!). Over the next 40 years the great and the good have stepped over the threshold to be met by the same unassuming, welcoming hospitality. 

James Clarke, Managing Director commented: I know how hard the pub trade is, and to be in the same pub for such a long period and still making it a place where people want to go to relax and enjoy themselves is a massive achievement. We are honoured to help Debbie & Andrew brew their anniversary ale and look forward to sampling a pint or two down at The Crown in the very near future. 

Andrew Hall commented: We have had a long and happy relationship with Hook Norton Brewery and to be able to brew our own beer with them has just been fantastic. 

40 Years Bitter 4.0%
See: : Light Ruby
Smell: Light Spice
Taste: Malty 

40 Years Bitter will be available on cask exclusively at The Rose & Crown, North Parade, Oxford.