Top Marque For Beer Quality
Hook Norton Brewery pubs are currently ranking Number 1 when benchmarked against other pubs within the Cask Marque Accreditation Scheme for cask ale beer quality with over 97% at 4 & 5 star rating.
Cask Marque, formed in 1998 to address the void in beer quality send their teams of assessors to visit the pubs in the scheme at least twice a year to assess the beer quality and ensure standards are driven and maintaine. During the unannounced visit, the assessor checks all the cask ales on sale for temperature, taste, appearance and aroma. All the beers must reach the required standard for the pub to pass.
As a brewery, Hook Norton has always and will continue to work with pubs to ensure the beer they brew is looked after and served in the best condition possible.
Edwin Pope, Operations Manager commented, “I am very proud of our pubs and the hard work they have put in over what has been, for everyone, a very challenging couple of years to ensure that their customers can rely on a great pint of cask ale.”
Hook Norton Brewery have 36 pubs across Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire.